Detox Warning Signs

6 Warning Signs your Liver is Toxic

Our body is often giving us the six warning signs that your liver is toxic, doing a liver detox is probably one of the best things that you want to consider as it is complexed with the other organs in terms of doing your total body detox.


1. Red Eyes

Red EyesNumber one is red eyes. If you notice that your eyes are red or yellow that would be a sign of jaundice and severely compromised liver function. Also, if your skin is starting to yellow this could be a sign of liver toxicity

2. Chronic Headaches

This is what I call the toxic headaches, sometimes you may have nausea along with that headache. Tight trapezius muscles can also cause these headaches. So here in this big large muscle at the top of your back and it goes into the back of your neck here that is the trapezius muscle and this is a reflex area of your liver.

3. Itchy skin

Itchy SkinAnother sign would be itchy skin, and this can be related to the bile acids and the bilirubin that's not properly processed through your liver in your gallbladder.

4. Weight gain

If you gain weight easily and you are bloated all the time, you really should try a liver detox.

5. Fatigue

Another reason to do that liver detox is fatigue. If you are lacking of over all energy or feeling a little bit under the weather, That can be a sign that your liver is toxic.

6. Light Floating stools

So if you're having lighter coloured stools and this is something that we call the chicken nugget stool or maybe it looks a little bit like oatmeal in the toilet it's floating that's usually a sign of liver toxicity. This could also mean your gallbladder is compromised as well in function.


Tip: Milk Thistle


9) Milk ThistleTip one of my favorite herbal medicines for liver detox is milk thistle because this will actually help to detoxify but also helps to regenerate healthy liver cells and that's why it's one of my very favorite liver detox herbal medicines.

Connect with Dr Janine Bowring N.D 


Dr Janine Bowring ND
Dr Janine Bowring is a doctor, researcher, author formulator, television personality, mother & speaker on all things natural.

The Best Foods to Clean Out Your Liver 

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