Weight Loss

5 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat You Haven’t Heard

I'm sure you haven't heard of these, but here are five strategies to help you lose that belly fat you're trying to get rid of. 

Causes of Belly Fat

Belly fat has a lot to do with light and emfs in your environment, specifically man-made emfs electromagnetic fields and radiation, and this can really have a negative impact on your own metabolism. We know that our bodies and our metabolism are controlled by something called our circadian rhythms and our womb temperature, so it's not just about the food that you're eating or the exercise that you're getting or not getting. 

Leptin Resistance & Weight Gain

Therefore, it is crucial that we control leptin resistance and weight gain based on our light environment. Here are my five suggestions to do this, along with information I frequently provide with clients. Target that belly fat, which is notoriously difficult to lose. Okay, so tip number one: to start your metabolism and even have your first bowel movement in the morning, look at the sunlight in the early morning. This will give your melanopsin in your eyes, skin, and lips the proper signalling mechanisms to do so. 

Tip #1 Early Morning Sunlight &  Tip #2 Get Grounded

Get grounded, which is suggestion number two. To achieve this, I like to go outside in the morning with my bare feet on the ground and face east to maximise the amount of natural sunshine hitting my eyes and skin while grounded. 

Tip #3 Turn off Devices, Wear Blue-Light Blocking Glasses

Wearing blue light blocking glasses can be really helpful especially as the day progresses to really protect your eyes from too much of that blue light toxicity from your devices so all of your screens but also from the art official lights in your home and tip number three is to turn off your devices especially after the sun has set when it's dark outside it should be dark inside as well. 

Tip #4 Get Cold

If you live in a colder climate, like Canada, this is very simple because we can go outside for brief periods of time without all of that you know winter protection and and warm warm clothing we do that for brief periods of time to hone our reactions to the cold temperature. Tip number four is to use the cold to your advantage so brief moments of getting cold and allowing your body temperature to drop and actually have a reaction to that cold temperature like maybe opening your car windows while you're driving 

 Tip #5 Eat Local & In Season

The fifth tip is to eat in season. Depending on where you live, it's very important to eat your local foods that are growing during that season. If you think about it, eating tropical fruits in the middle of a cold winter month in a climate without many tropical fruits and other things doesn't make sense. Yes, we have easy access to a variety of foods in our grocery stores, but that's not how nature intended it. One of the fascinating aspects of h. Nine suggestions for overcoming leptin resistance There, I'll see you.

Connect with Dr Janine Bowring N.D 


Dr Janine Bowring ND
Dr Janine Bowring is a doctor, researcher, author formulator, television personality, mother & speaker on all things natural.

Your Complete Guide to a Healthy Body and Mind: Women's Health

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