DHA Warning Signs

4 Early Warning Signs You are Low in DHA Omega-3

Here are three suggestions for preventing stress and overeating during the holidays. 

Tip 1: Protein 

The first is to eat a lot of protein throughout the day. Protein helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and is particularly important before the day's largest meal. You want to be in a balanced state, so think about the order in which you eat your meals. Food is also important during the holidays, so if you can, try to fill up on fibre. For this reason, I frequently set out my platter of fruits, vegetables, and dips like hummus at gatherings. I then add some protein and healthy fats, followed by nuts, to help people fill up on fibre before they indulge in alcohol and sweeter foods. This helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and prevents overeating. 

Tip 2 : Breathing 

The second piece of advice is to take care of your vagus nerve because we know it is crucial for controlling our stress response and we want to be more in the parasympathetic region of the autonomic nervous system (the sympathetic is the fight or flight response, which you've probably heard about). This is one of the things you can do to achieve balance. The vagus nerve is referred to as three-four-five breathing, so let's practise it together. You will inhale for three counts, hold your breath for four counts, and then exhale for five counts. Research has shown that the prolonged exhalation really helps to calm down the vagus nerve and maintain a more relaxed state, so this is great for anxiety and panic attacks as well. 

Tip 3 : Not to feel guilty 

The third strategy is to not feel guilty so that you may indulge. Enjoy the holidays and spend time with your family without making a big deal out of it, but also be careful not to overindulge because it might make you feel unwell. I have some advice for you if you do overindulge in your dinner and overeat it. If you're seeking for a decent digestive enzyme, I guarantee we'll provide some links below since they may truly assist you digest the excess food you definitely shouldn't have eaten. I hope these three suggestions will be a tremendous assistance to you in controlling your stress and overeating over the holidays. Please view my video on digestive enzymes and what to look for in an enzyme supplement for additional details. I'm going to be there.

Connect with Dr Janine Bowring N.D 


Dr Janine Bowring ND
Dr Janine Bowring is a doctor, researcher, author formulator, television personality, mother & speaker on all things natural.

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