supplement magnesium vitamin B vitamin D coffee hp

Supplements You Should NEVER Take with Coffee


In this article, I share some supplements you should NEVER take with coffee. I will share my research that explains why you should not take certain vitamins & minerals with coffee as they could be flushed more quickly through your system & how absorption could be compromised by taking them with coffee. So, if you love your coffee as much as I do, here are the supplements you should never take with your coffee.


3 supplements never to take with coffee

1. Vitamin D

A new study has found that taking vitamin D with your coffee can actually decrease the absorption of that vitamin D. Of course, the best way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D is through exposure to natural sunlight. However, if you do need to take a Vitamin D supplement, be sure to take it at a time when you won't be drinking coffee, in order to maximize the absorption of the vitamin.
study vitamin d

2. Vitamin B

The second supplement you should not have with your coffee is vitamin B. Whether this is your B complex in your multivitamin or if you take individual B vitamins, like vitamin B12. They're water soluble and because coffee is a natural diuretic, you're going to flush through your fluids more quickly when you do drink your coffee. So you don't want to take your B vitamins at the same time as your coffee.

3. Magnesium

The third Supplement you should NEVER take with coffee is magnesium. Don't take your magnesium mineral with your coffee because your body is again going to flush through more and more magnesium the more coffee you have.

2 morning routine tips

Tip #1. Supplement first

I start my morning by taking my magnesium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D3. Taking these vitamins first thing in the morning helps me to feel more alert and energized throughout the day. Hopefully your supplements are whole food vitamins, which means they'll be absorbed very quickly.

Tip #2. Coffee after 1 hour

I'm waiting at least an hour before I have my coffee. I also do recommend that you don't have your coffee first thing on waking because this can mess with your cortisol levels and you won't get the same benefit for your brain function if you wait a little bit.


  • Never take Vitamin D, B vitamins & magnesium with your coffee.
  • Have these 3 supplement first in the morning.
  • Waiting at least an hour before enjoying your coffee.

For More Info 

For in-depth learning on what vitamins and minerals should not be taken together, please watch my video 10 vitamins you should never take together.


Studies mentioned in this article:
Supplements mentioned in this article:


Connect with Dr Janine Bowring N.D 



Dr Janine Bowring ND
Dr Janine Bowring is a doctor, researcher, author formulator, television personality, mother & speaker on all things natural.

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