Iron Warning Signs

Warning Signs You Need More Iron


The following are some warning signals that might indicate that you are deficient in iron. Let's begin by taking a look at this chart to determine whether or not you have an iron deficiency. Do you suffer from hair loss, damaged hair, extremely dry and brittle hair, chapped lips, and maybe even ripped hair?


Cracked lips and torn corners of the mouth

This can be a sign of an iron shortage, as can a burning feeling in the tongue. When we talk about heartburn, loss of hunger, and a lot of other stomach and intestine problems, this is often the case. GI problems that can be caused by low iron and pale, dry skin if you don't get enough iron.

Pale, Skin dry, and Feeling Cold All the Time:

You feel cold a lot of the time. Iron is also needed for your thyroid glands, so some of these symptoms, like bloating and feeling cold, can be caused by low iron. 

Fatigue, headaches, and not being able to focus:

If you have frequent headaches, it could be because of low iron, anemia, or a weak immune system.

Anemia and Immune Problems

Both of these are problems, so a weakened immune system and curved, brittle fingernails are also a worry. 

Arched, brittle fingernails:

if they break easily and peel off, it's likely because you don't get enough iron. 


Check your iron level, and if you take or supplement with iron, make sure it's a good one that's properly digested. My favorite type of iron supplement is an iron bisque with worms in it. You can look for that in a whole food form because you can absorb a good amount of iron from that type of iron supplement, and because it's made from whole foods, it gives you other nutrients that help your body absorb iron. It's also really easy on the stomach and won't cause constipation. 

Connect with Dr Janine Bowring N.D 



Dr Janine Bowring ND
Dr Janine Bowring is a doctor, researcher, author formulator, television personality, mother & speaker on all things natural.

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